
Tree of life

This is the project I am doing for my course COMU1999 in UQ. Basically, this assessment asked us to choose any topic that we interested in, and I chose tree as my topic.

For someone, trees are everywhere, there are tress in the park, in the school campus, in front of the building they work, and the path they walked everyday. In this modern society, most people just ignored their beauty. However, millions of years ago, humans used to have a strong connection with trees. They picked their food from trees, they hewed trees to light a fire, and they shelter under trees from rain and danger. Tree was the beginning of everything.

Why did I choose this topic? In my eyes, the tree represents life and slow, steady growth; it can even grow in the desert or precipice. And I believe if people want to protect the environment, they should stop letting these green lives disappear anymore. All these points are what my photos try to deliver to my audience.

For my audience, I shoot these photos for people who have the same feeling, who love nature and know who to find beauty in normal life. I hope the audience can feel the strength of life, and realize they should cherish this environment. The followings are the seven pictures that I have accomplished by now.

