Do you know what PTSD is? It’s a metal disease, which is called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This disease is often cause by awful experience and can occur at any age, repeated nightmares and feeling of detached are common symptoms. And for most people, PTSD can last for the whole lifetime!
In one studies conducted across the United States , it was found that approximately 7.8% of the people interviewed had PTSD at some point in their lifetime. Therefore 23 millions people in U.S used to or are suffering from PTSD, which are more than the whole population of Australia .
Do you also know PTSD is twice as common in woman as in man! Specifically, 10.4% of women and 5% of men were found to have PTSD at one time or another in their past.Why might this be? It’s the terrible sexual treatment to women in relations!
A lot of traumas can cause PTSD; one is man-made events. The most common ones are domestic abuse and rape, and their victims are mostly females.
In the history, male’s and female’s positions in their relationships is unequal. For example, Rape in marriage only began to be considered a crime recently in1981 in the state of New South Wales in Australia . A woman had no legal protection for the crime of rape by her husband during the 80 years before this action, which is 3/4 of Australian history (there has been only 111 years since Australian became independent).
Rape carries one of the highest risks for producing PTSD. In the women’s safety survey published in 1996 in Australia , 1.5% of the sample which is 100,000 females experienced a sexual assault in the latest 12 months, and 99% of the offenders were male. About 1.2 million, in another way, one in six Australia women who are above 18 in Australia had experienced sexual assault or been threaten since 15.
Violence abuse is also more commonly associated with PTSD when compared with natural disaster or other accidents. More than 34% of Australia women had experienced violence from their partners. Also, Indigenous women reported higher levels of both physical and sexual violence than was reported by non-Indigenous women.
I think government and society need give more support to women who have PTSD. The government should crisis line number for women need help and funding to research center and support programs. Women with PTSD should get more sympathy from the society instead of being judged!